Saturday, 26 April 2008

Screw Food, We need Oil!

Financial Times had an interesting piece about IEA warning that OECD countries should not
back off on biofuels:

"Biofuel production is critical to meeting current and future fuel demand in spite of its possible role in driving up food prices, the west's energy watchdog has warned.

The warning comes as the backlash from rocketing food prices has increased pressure on the European Union and the US to review their support of fuel made from crops.

The views of the IEA carry significant weight in Europe and the US and policymakers have warned that the debate about biofuels should take into account its implications for energy markets and climate change. The issue has been put on the agenda for the next G8 summit in July."

So, there you have it. Screw you guys, we need this food for our cars.